There are many dental problems or issues that we could experience during our life time. One of the most worrying and one of the ones which warrant greatest concern is that of bleeding gums (called gingivitis.) This is because if the problem is left untreated it can get worse, (leading to gum disease – called periodontitis.) This makes the problem become essentially past being treatable, and ultimately results in bone decay and tooth loss. Knowing what to do and how to stop it is key. In this article we will explore these points more.
Archives for May 2017
What is a good teeth cleaning routine?
We all (hopefully) have been cleaning our teeth for as long as we can remember and assume that this has served us well. Most people take cleaning their teeth as a given and an automatic or unconscious activity, so they pay little attention to it. Have you ever wondered whether you are doing it correctly or in the best possible way? Maybe there are steps you are missing which would make a real difference? In this posting we look at some tips to see whether you can improve your routine.