By now you may have realised that cleaning your teeth alone is not enough in the wider task of maintaining good oral health. One further step that can be taken is using a mouthwash, but like flossing, this is a stage that many people either miss out or simply don’t do. In our latest article we’ll take a closer look at why mouthwash is needed and the benefits of doing this.
Archives for August 2018
Toothpaste variety
Go into your local shop or supermarket, down the health and toiletry section and you will see shelves full of toothpaste. Not only are these made up of different brands as you would expect, but there are different variations of toothpaste even within the same brand. This can lead the consumer to be a little confused (and perhaps overwhelmed) as to what is the best toothpaste for them and why there are so many different ranges. In our latest blog post we will take a closer look at this.